In tribute to
Bish... here's Seven:
Black Swan Green. The first book since Shining Like Stars to make me cry in a public place. What makes the real me come out? Why are their different "mes" pushed into shapes by what other people want? Heartbreaking questions.
Singing. And helpful conversations with Tom about how to make it better. Just cos all of life is worship doesn't mean singing isn't.
Photos of nice places in frames for my wall. Oxford and Liverpool - different places and I love them both.
Weddings and party. With my lovely girlfriend turning thirty and laughs with UCCF friends in Guildford. Lovely to see Roz get hitched. Long drive home.
Grace. From Zechariah with the Careforce posse. African passion for Jesus: awesome!
Love at house group. Learning about it from the Bible and experiencing it in the laughter.
Facebook. Inspiring my prayer letter and receiving messages from lovely ex-Relays to encourage.