reload The Race by Maurice McCracken

Friday, September 16, 2005

I've been away

posted by Little Mo | Permalink |
Hey y'all.

Still reading that Campolo book - more on that to come.

Christy asked me - what is the emerging church? Answer - good question. Actually getting an ECM practitioner's answer to that question is well nigh impossible.

The best description I have found is included in this quite intellectually highbrow critique of the ECM from Reformation 21

I didn't want to start with a critique, but I couldn't find a better description of the movement.
More on the emergent stuff I am reading in time....


Blogger RagingAvatar said...

I must applaud you for your post "Patient=dull. Not."

Amazing - patience is indeed something we all need, and its patience to see God at work and to trust that He is in control. Great stuff.

Patience is also required to love our friends and not expect changes in them over night - "Love is patient, love is kind." Indeed we must love our brothers and sisters, ourselves and God. Patience is required by us in all our relationships in all walks of life.

Bravo, I applaud you Little Mo.

4:33 PM  

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