reload The Race by Maurice McCracken

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New word - Lottish!

posted by Little Mo | Permalink |
Definition: like Lot. As in the Bible Character.
Etymology: Invented by Steve Palframan in a sermon on Genesis.
Meaning: to put your trust in God's promises, but not so much that it effects everything you do, and hence to end up in a mess.

I have been LOVING a series of great sermons by my good friends Steve and Jeremy on the chapters of Genesis following Abraham and his family after God makes his covenant with him.

And the person who has really struck me is Lot, not someone I had ever thought much of before.

Lot crops up basically twice in the story. First, he chooses to live in the land God hasn't promised, and ends up in the middle of a very complicated war. You see, while he is a believer (the New Testament tells us so) he doesn't really live that out by settling in God's land, and so, comes a mess.

Later on, we see him settled in Sodom. Bad idea. He puts up two angels (which is fair enough, I'd be kind to an angel if I met one) but when the people of Sodom threaten some pretty nasty things to the angels, he offers his daughters as bait instead.

Er..exsqueeze me? Baking powder? Your daughters!? You see, Lot is trying to do the right thing, but living in the evil city, influenced by its ways, he's become more like them than someone who really believes God's promises. He wants to protect the angels (er..yes) but tries to do it in the way of a Sodom-dweller ( He is a believer (saved from the destruction) but is not letting God's promises really change his life (unlike Abraham). And hence. A mess. Lot's wife being judged by turning into a pillar of salt shows just how dangerous that is: she, unlike her husband, was just on the wrong side of trusting God's promises.

And me? Well, the challenge is to let God's promises shape the way I live: not just living in the world around me with a small nod to God's promises, but, unlike Lot, letting God's promises change the way I live - WHERE I live, how I react to my family and my surroundings. If I'm not doing that, if I'm being Lottish, then I am indeed playing a very dangerous game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kent Hughes uses Lot as an example of " a beliver distressed by the world while willfully clinging to the world." in Set Apart - calling a wordly church to a Godly life. Interesting read.

7:51 AM  

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